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Mr. He Duanwang made a presentation at the training session held by Guangdong MS

date:2014-06-23 10:32:10 Clicks:

At the invitation of Guangdong MSA, our vice general manager Mr. He Duanwang made a presentation at the training session held by Guangdong MSA on ship operational management on 24th May 2013 and the talk is about study of cases on hull insurance claims handling and issues for discussion. Mr. He quoted several typical cases and explained the knowledge of casualty handling procedure and insurance claims handling vividly in his presentation by combining his experience in case handling. The participators have benefited from the stimulating and vivid lecture. In his presentation, Mr. He selected some true and concrete cases for study, and explained the insurance claims handling procedure as well as points for attention in practice from a point of view in machinery management practice, and then shared/discussed views on risks and issues relating to ship machinery management practice. After the presentation, the attendees expressed to have benefited a lot from the presentation and the Guangdong MSA also highly appraised it.